Monday, May 25, 2020

Government Regulation of Tobacco Products Essay - 634 Words

Government Regulation of Tobacco Products Dawn BUS 250 Corporate amp; Social Responsibilit March 7, 2010 Government Regulation of Tobacco Products Government regulation of tobacco has come under some fierce opposition. Naturally the big tobacco companies do not want any type of regulation and yet one company was a quiet supporter. This company, the Altria Group which is a parent company of Philip Morris, believed the bill would pass so they wanted to make sure they had a say when the bill would be discussed. They believed they could handle regulation they just did not want to see tobacco outlawed for good. While Altria is trying to understand and even supporting the bill, Reynolds America, the parent company of R.J.†¦show more content†¦It causes cancers of the lung, esophagus, larynx, mouth, throat, kidney, bladder, pancreas, stomach, and cervix, as well as acute myeloid leukemia† (Anonymous, nd, para. 6). Several hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent every year on the treatment of cancer due to smoking. The biggest incentive is that people would live longer more pr oductive cancer free lives. Children could be children and not smoking at a young age and harming their bodies with cigarettes. With government control over the tobacco industry the United States could see a dramatic decline in cancer and deaths due to cigarette smoking. â€Å"Health advocates predicted that the new FDA standards could eventually reduce some of the 60 cancer-causing carcinogens and 4,000 harmful toxins in cigarette smoke or make cigarettes taste so bad they deterred users† (Lawrence amp; Weber, 2011, p. 192). By allowing the FDA to regulate the chemicals in cigarettes and outlaw a majority of flavorings it would help in reducing the number of children that would be enticed to try cigarettes. This in turn would save money on health care and many people would live longer more productive cancer free lives. References Anonymous. (nd). Harms of smoking and health benefits of quitting. Retrieved on March 4, 2011, from Lawrence, A. T. amp; Weber, J. (2011). Business and society: stakeholders, ethics,Show MoreRelatedThe War on Tobacco1539 Words   |  7 Pages Tobacco Regulation Tobacco companies have been in a battle with anti-smokers for a while about regulating tobacco, and there has been a war between tobacco companies and anti tobacco crusaders, because of regulating tobacco and some lawsuits. 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