Thursday, August 27, 2020

Compare and contrast Essay Example for Free

Thoroughly analyze Essay The objectives fairness and quality in instruction ought to be of a similar significance since training assumes an indispensable job in the financial advancement of the distinct individual. While instruction gives openings, it is the nature of training that ensures the individual’s wellness to these chances. Randall Curren, refering to crafted by Gary Orfield, bring up that, â€Å"in the early long periods of breaking down, it may have been simpler to accept that instructive chance and achievement made an interpretation of legitimately into word related opportunity† (p. 272). The objective of correspondence in training protects that everybody have equivalent chance to profit quality instruction, paying little mind to race, shading, and ethnic starting point. The objective of value in instruction protects that everybody gets the best learning results that will give better financial chances. Accordingly, while balance and quality have various objectives, yet they have a similar significance in training as both is equipped towards the improvement of the individual. The objectives of uniformity and quality The word equity is straightforward yet the ramifications of its importance included the social and the financial status as well as all the circles where disparity is serving. The objectives of balance are might be too exorbitant given the way that society is tormented with different ills, for example, avarice, hungry for force, industrialism and realism, self-centeredness, etc. Stein Ringen refered to two understandings of the objectives of correspondence, the feeble and the solid translation. In these understandings, the objectives of balance are not simply ensuring â€Å"minimum norms for all citizenry in various socio-economic† factors yet uniformity in the whole structure of imbalance. At the end of the day, equity has to do with human decency corresponding to social and monetary issues. Quality then again manages the totality of attributes of the completed item. Bright Baker and G. Michael Campbell expressed, â€Å"Quality is the way well the item fulfills the requirements of the customer† (p. 68). In this way, the objective of value is consumer loyalty. Look into; characterize; give one model each. Fairness and quality are both significant fixings that are forming human culture. Both were significant in its particular area as key determinant of its sort. An item is dictated by its quality while fairness decides a reasonable and others conscious society. Interestingly with quality in any case, equity discusses individuals corresponding to circumstances around them, Quality then again, discusses items comparable to human norm. Characterizing uniformity is an on-going discussion considering intense issues of en-correspondences ruling each circle of human culture. Be that as it may, a general meaning of balance expresses that equity is portrayed as the end of formal legitimate hindrances of avoidance dependent on certain changeless attributes, for example, race and gender† (Douglas, D. M. 1998 p. 3). Quality then again, is characterized as â€Å"features that are definitive as to item execution and as to item fulfillment. Instances of en-balance and quality One case of fairness is the sexual orientation equity. It has been for a significant long time that women's liberation had battled before at long last ladies in numerous pieces of the globe picked up acknowledgment of equivalent sexual orientation treatment. Sex balance had at last picked up acknowledgment. Another model is the correspondence in circumstance. Despite the fact that this may not make a difference in certain nations, yet it is presently cherished in the constitutions of the popularity based nations to give equivalent chances to their constituents. What's more, case of value then again, is a sure item that is liberated from deformity and has passed the recommended norm. Sources Reeves, D. (2005) Planning for Diversity New York: Routlege (p. 8). Earthy colored, M. (1996) Keeping Score USA: AMACOM DIV American Magmt (p. 83) Reference Curren, Randall Philosophy of Education UK: Blackwell Publishing Devins, N. Douglas, (1998) D. M. Redfining Equality USA: Oxford University Press Horowitz, I. (1984) Winners and Losers USA: Duke University Press Ringen, S. (2006) The chance of Politics USA: Transaction Publisher

Saturday, August 22, 2020

How Samsung Electronics has established its current presence Assignment

How Samsung Electronics has set up its present nearness - Assignment Example Past fixation fields incorporate portable protection, Internet of Things, blurring correspondence, and human interface. Businesspersons and designers will accomplish access to Samsung’s particular nature and capital. Serious associations inside Samsung’s institutional system both in Asia and over the globe will be required to confront the following round of contention in the hardware portion. Asia has a principal goal for Samsung’s direct speculation for a few reasons. The organization targets and objectives incorporate recouping cost seriousness by utilizing the low-evaluated capital available in Southeast Asia. Samsung too is keen on seeking after different boss purchasers for its segments as a portion of the world’s most dynamic market. Yet, the shortcoming of Samsung’s execution in the shopper items fragment implies that it has set up itself with surplus limit in its seaward affiliations. In actuality, this implies the abroad partners are underu tilized, regardless of the ability to upgrade cost intensity, since Samsung’s specialist evaluation structure is inclining towards execution at the plant status (Mortinik, 2012). As indicated by Bloom (2002), Koreans gadgets organizations have been decisively occupied with culture and information amassing in the course of recent decades. Their purchaser items, including shading TVs (CTVs), videocassette records (VCRs), and microwaves, were skilled to stay serious in the low-end division of the worldwide markets till the late 1980s. Therefore, this made the income required to support of progressively improved advances. In the ebb and flow years, by the by, Korean items are accomplishing developing contention, particularly from Japanese producers that have recovered their intensity by putting resources into low-evaluated abroad assembling. Becoming seaward assembling has been a central piece of Korea’s strategy response. Korean items directs in Asia presently go past the ASEAN district to China and India. The general level of seaward creation to add up to creation has developed immensely in ebb and flow years, from nineteen percent to twenty-seven percent for CTVs from sixteen to seventeen percent for VCRs during the stage 1922-1994. All things considered, those of the Japanese electronic contenders became even quickly, from 67 percent to 86 percent for CTVs and from 36 to 71 percent for VCRs during a similar stage. This thus kept the competition somewhere down in the cost-filled battled for low-end markets. In the year 1993, three boss Korean makers, Goldstar, Samsung and Daewoo, proclaimed their goal to extend their seaward creation remainder from a standard of 20 percent in 1993 to 60 percent by 2000. This paper will concentrate on how Samsung has figured out how to keep up its global nearness. The organizations included are for the most part segments of Samsung Group, an exceedingly broadened worldwide. The key electronic producer is Samsung El ectronics Co. SEC and its contact companies are Samsung Electron-Devices Co. (SED), Samsung Corning Co.(SC) and Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co. (SEM). Lee Bung-Chull first incepted Samsung in 1938, and its essential line was exchange. The business activity has persevered to be fundamental, first with imports, and last fare, starting in the mid 70s. By

Friday, August 21, 2020

SEO - The Long Term Option For Advertising

SEO - The Long Term Option For Advertising Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!SEO The Long Term Option For AdvertisingUpdated On 18/05/2014Author : Warner CarterTopic : SEOShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogA small company is a small company. However, that doesn’t mean a small company can’t make it to the top. Marketing and advertising campaigns may cost a lot of money, but there’s an easier way for small-scale companies to deal with their competitors in the business.SEO and TV advertisementsSearch engine optimization, or SEO, is an advertising and marketing tool that uses the Internet to fill your company’s promotional and publicity needs. People who visit your site after searching for what you offer can offer high rates of conversion: direct ad receivers can be converted into consumers. Not just a form of advertising; it is a way for you to reach and communicate with your company’s target market. Mark eting through SEO, if properly executed, is something that can surely put you on top.The SEO aspect of your small-scale business can be your advertising or marketing campaign’s focus. Remember, you are a small company, a local business in particular. Resorting to TV and radio ads may not be the best option for you. You can still use brochures and print advertising, but these reach a limited portion of your business’ target market. People who are handed paper printouts may end up not even looking at the printouts at all. Some may even dispose of these. Advertising through flyers are meant to attract attention and it is intended to keep consumer attention for a short time. This form of advertising is a short-term option, while SEO offers long-term effects.TV advertising is undoubtedly still the top form of advertising, especially for bigger companies and more established corporations. TV advertisements often cost a lot of money, which your small company may not have yet. For smal l-scale business owners like you, TV ads may not be ideal marketing and advertising options. This is where SEO comes in.READDo You Write For Users Or For Search Engines?A TV ad may be a good way of reminding people about a certain product or service, but SEO can also establish powerful product recall. When consumers use search engines to find a service or product that your business happens to offer, SEO can ensure that your products and services appear at the top of the search results. This way, consumers see your products and services first, which may encourage them to choose your business over others.SEO is not only for small business owners like you. Because of its power to convert receivers into consumers, even large corporations and mid-level businesses include SEO in their marketing plan. Because of this, even SEO Resellers resell the business to bigger companies, leveling the playing field for Internet marketing. The Internet is an arena where your business can compete with b igger companies. With the proper knowledge and execution, making it big through SEO is possible.Treating SEO RightLet’s face it. Many people tend to trust what they see on TV. As these companies sell their brands to the viewers, they also offer long-lasting connections to these consumers. Just like in SEO, you don’t just sell your products and services to people. You want to build positive relationships to your clients. You choose SEO because your business is with the people. You exist because consumers exist, and the only thing you should do is to help them and you can begin by making it easier for them to find you. Then you can give them options, and meet their needs.This article is written by Warner Carter. He is a guy who likes the net and tech stuff, especially SEO.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Government Regulation of Tobacco Products Essay - 634 Words

Government Regulation of Tobacco Products Dawn BUS 250 Corporate amp; Social Responsibilit March 7, 2010 Government Regulation of Tobacco Products Government regulation of tobacco has come under some fierce opposition. Naturally the big tobacco companies do not want any type of regulation and yet one company was a quiet supporter. This company, the Altria Group which is a parent company of Philip Morris, believed the bill would pass so they wanted to make sure they had a say when the bill would be discussed. They believed they could handle regulation they just did not want to see tobacco outlawed for good. While Altria is trying to understand and even supporting the bill, Reynolds America, the parent company of R.J.†¦show more content†¦It causes cancers of the lung, esophagus, larynx, mouth, throat, kidney, bladder, pancreas, stomach, and cervix, as well as acute myeloid leukemia† (Anonymous, nd, para. 6). Several hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent every year on the treatment of cancer due to smoking. The biggest incentive is that people would live longer more pr oductive cancer free lives. Children could be children and not smoking at a young age and harming their bodies with cigarettes. With government control over the tobacco industry the United States could see a dramatic decline in cancer and deaths due to cigarette smoking. â€Å"Health advocates predicted that the new FDA standards could eventually reduce some of the 60 cancer-causing carcinogens and 4,000 harmful toxins in cigarette smoke or make cigarettes taste so bad they deterred users† (Lawrence amp; Weber, 2011, p. 192). By allowing the FDA to regulate the chemicals in cigarettes and outlaw a majority of flavorings it would help in reducing the number of children that would be enticed to try cigarettes. This in turn would save money on health care and many people would live longer more productive cancer free lives. References Anonymous. (nd). Harms of smoking and health benefits of quitting. Retrieved on March 4, 2011, from Lawrence, A. T. amp; Weber, J. (2011). Business and society: stakeholders, ethics,Show MoreRelatedThe War on Tobacco1539 Words   |  7 Pages Tobacco Regulation Tobacco companies have been in a battle with anti-smokers for a while about regulating tobacco, and there has been a war between tobacco companies and anti tobacco crusaders, because of regulating tobacco and some lawsuits. 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(KKK) won control of the company and they turned itRead MoreWhy Tobacco Is The United State Of America, Brazil, India, And Turkey1059 Words   |  5 PagesTobacco plant is the same as botanical family such as tomatoes, potatoes Peppers or eggplants. Adaptive types, which can be growing economically from 50 degree northern and 40 degree southern. More than 100 counties are growing tobacco like China is growing the most then United State of America, Brazil, India and Turkey. Indonesia grows cultivated which is called by name† bright tobacco† the reason is because of its yellow to orange colour, just like Virginia tobacco after the United State of AmericaRead MoreTobacco Advertising : A Worldwide Marketing Campaign895 Words   |  4 PagesTobacco Advertisement According to the World Health Organization, each year 6 million people die due to tobacco related illnesses. 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Recent research of CDC in 2015 also predicted that smoking in particular will be the cause of 8 million deaths annually by 2030. Such current trends prompt many nations to enact laws restricting the harvesting, distributing and selling tobacco products. One striking exampleRead MoreVietnam s Smoking Situation As A Case Study885 Words   |  4 Pagesfemale smokers in future. More seriously, smoking also influenced to non-smokers who was suffering second-hand smoke. In 2001/2002, 63% Vietnamese families have smokers and 71% Vietnamese children under 6 year old lived in smoking environment. Tobacco use has been a leading cause of killing non-communicable in Viet Nam, such as lung cancer. According to a report in 2007, 87% of lung cancer male patients in Viet Nam were ‘current or ex-smokers’ and this number of female patients was 11%. It causedRead MoreMarketing Regulations Of Indonesia s Tobacco1146 Words   |  5 PagesAs the fourth most populous country in the world, the leniency of Indonesia‟s tobacco marketing regulations presents an opportunity for local and global tobacco companies to penetrate the market and aggressively expand their operations. Indonesia is among the five largest producers and exporters of cigarettes in the world (WHO, 2012). In 2011 Indonesia ranked third in the number of male smokers and 17th for female smokers (WHO, 2012). The number of cigarette consumers is the third-largest in theRead MoreClimate Change And Carbon Reduction1744 Words   |  7 Pageswarmed our planet. Human Causes Human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels and the conversion of land for forestry and agriculture. By their nonsense activities the land surface and emit various substances to the atmosphere. The leading product of fossil fuel combustion is carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. For these carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide are increase. Natural Causes The Earth s climate can be posh by natural factors that are external to the climate system, such asRead MoreThe Ban Of Tobacco Companies Essay1121 Words   |  5 PagesFebruary 26th, 2001 the Indian government announced they were going to enforce a ban regarding advertising their products in their country. The problem was that tobacco companies in India promote their products through every conceivable medium, including radio, television, newspapers, magazines, billboards and the internet. The government realized that most of these tobacco companies were adapting creative new ways to publicize their brands to young people. Some tobacco companies also decided to use

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Nguyen Surname Meaning and Origin

Nguyen is the most common surname in Vietnam and among the top 100 last names in the United States, Australia, and France. Meaning musical instrument and actually rooted in Chinese, Nguyen is an interesting name that youll encounter throughout the world. Alternate spellings include  Nyguyen, Ruan, Yuen, and Yuan. The Origin of Nguyen Nguyen stems from the Chinese word  ruan  (a string instrument that is plucked). In Vietnam, the family name Nguyen is connected to the royal dynasties. It is said that during the Tran Dynasty (1225–1400), many members of the Ly family of the prior dynasty changed their name to Nguyen to avoid persecution. The Nguyen family had a place of prominence as early as the 16th century, but they would rule during the last of the dynasties. The Nguyen Dynasty lasted from 1802 until 1945, when Emperor Bao Dai abdicated. By some estimates, approximately 40 percent  of Vietnamese people have the surname Nguyen. It is, without a doubt,  the most common Vietnamese family name. Nguyen can be used as a first name as well as a surname. Also, keep in mind that in Vietnamese it is traditional for the surname to be used before an individuals given name. Nguyen Is Common Worldwide Nguyen is the seventh most common family name in Australia, the 54th most popular in France, and the 57th most popular surname in America. These statistics may be surprising until you recall the relationship each country has had with Vietnam. For instance, France had colonized Vietnam as early as 1887 and fought the First Indochina War from 1946 until 1950. Shortly after that, the U.S. entered the conflict and the Vietnam War (or Second Indochina War) began. These associations led many Vietnamese refugees to immigrate to both countries during and after the conflicts.  Australia saw an influx of refugees after the second of these wars when the country revised its immigration policy. Its estimated that nearly 60,000 Vietnamese refugees settled in Australia between 1975 and 1982. How Is Nguyen Pronounced? For native English speakers, pronouncing the name Nguyen can be a challenge. Since its such a popular name, though, learn how to say it as best as you can. The most common mistake is to pronounce the y. The best way to explain the pronunciation of Nguyen is as a single syllable: ngwin. Say it fast and dont emphasize the letters ng. It really helps to hear it out loud,  such as at  this YouTube video. Famous People Named Nguyen Damien Nguyen: U.S. actorScotty Nguyen: professional poker playerDat Nguyen: U.S.  football playerNguyen Sinh Cung: Ho Chi Minhs birth name

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Wal Mart Stock Analysis Essay - 2680 Words

I. Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to evaluate the stock price of Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (which ticker symbol in NYSE is WMT) by fundamental analysis. According to this analysis, I recommend that Wal-Mart is worth to invest in the long term because of the potential growth of market shares and revenue. Besides, based on P/E method and Gordon model, WMT price is undervalued; therefore, if investors buy the stock, they will get benefit not only in capital gain but also in dividend cash inflow. II. Introduction of Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (WMT) Wal-Mart, founded by Sam Walton in 1962, is the world’s largest retailer and public corporation. It operates over 6,500 stores worldwide, employs 1.9 million associates, and serves more†¦show more content†¦Beta is the slope of the characteristic line. As shown in appendix1, we use the monthly historical data from April 2003 to April 2008 to graph SCL. We use SP 500 as the market because it contains the stocks of 500 Large-Cap corporations and can reflect the market change broadly. As shown in exhibit 1, we can get the SCL: Ri-Rf = - 0.001 + 0.1649(Rm - Rf). So the beta is 0.1649 and the alpha (intercept) is -0.001. From the regression line, we find the R square is only 0.103. It reflects the degree that X variable explains Y variable is 10.3%. That is, Ri-Rf has no close relationship with Rm-Rf. In addition, due to the fact that beta is only 0.1649, it also provides the same result which Ri-Rf and Rm-Rf have no strong positive relationship. It is a good issue to cons ider why Wal-Mart stock return does not relate with SP 500 return very well. From exhibit 2, we find the Wal-Mart price did not change very much while SP 500 price went up. The major reasons may be that SP 500 includes many high-tech stocks and those stocks performed very well during the period; therefore the volatility is greater than Wal-Mart. Moreover, maybe Wal-Mart has lower weight in SP 500 so its trend of price change is different from SP 500. From exhibit2, we also find Wal-Mart had good relationship with SP 500 before 2004. To examine the situation, we use the data from 1998 to 2003 and find the SCLShow MoreRelatedStock Analysis : Wal Mart2907 Words   |  12 Pages Stock Analysis - Wal-Mart Wal-Mart Company Background: Name Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Industries served Retail Geographic areas served Worldwide Headquarters Bentonville, US Current CEO Mike Duke Revenue $ 466.950 billion (2012) Profit $ 15.699 billion (2012) Employees 2.2 million (2012) Main Competitors Dollar General Corporation, Costco Wholesale Corporation, Sears Holdings Corporation, Dollar Tree, Inc., Kohl s Corporation, Target Company Profile: Wal-Mart is the biggest AmericanRead MoreStock Analysis of Wal-Mart Inc.767 Words   |  3 PagesThe Wal-Mart company was established on July 2, 1962 in Rogers, Arkansas (History Timeline). The company was based on the vision of Sam Walton, who believed in giving his customers the lowest prices, anytime, anywhere. By 1967 the Walton family owned 27 different stores, and in 1969 they officially incorporated, becoming Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Just a year later in 1970 Wal-Mart went National, proving the wide spread appeal of Sam Waltons beliefs (History). This same year Wal-Mart became a publiclyRead MoreAmerican Corporation Analysis1425 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿ American Corporation Analysis ACC/561 September 19, 2013 Mr. Ponteja American Corporation Analysis Wal-Mart is one of the biggest retailers not only in the United States, but also internationally. The corporation was founded in Arkansas by Sam Walton in 1962 and has grown to produce revenue of over $460 billion while employing 2.2 million employees (Seeking Alpha, 2013). Wal-Mart is known for the low cost structure and has succeeded in the retail market. Although the corporation hasRead MoreWal-Mart Swot Analysis1260 Words   |  6 PagesRunning head: Wal-Mart SWOT Analysis Wal-Mart SWOT Analysis September 10, 2012 | | Wal-Mart SWOT Analysis Wal-Mart’s founder Sam Walton had an idea to save customer’s money by keeping sales prices lower than many of his competitors. Mr. Walton’s goal was accomplished by reducing his profit margin and now, Wal-Mart has become the world’s largest company, in terms of returns. According to Datamonitor (2012) recorded revenues of $421,849 million was Wal-Mart’s income in 2011, anRead MoreFinancial Outcomes Paper1657 Words   |  7 Pagesare evaluated to determine if they are risky to invest in. There are many tools that are used to conduct this evaluation. Part of determining Wal-mart’s financial health is to analyze their debt position. This is done by indicating the amount of other people’s money being used to generate profits. Long-term debts are also a factor of Wal-mart’s financial health. Long-term debt commits a company to a stream of contractual payments over a long period of time. For instance, the more debtRead MoreWal Mart Stores, Inc. Analysis1124 Words   |  5 PagesWal-Mart Stores, Inc. Analysis of Annual Report In 1962, Sam Walton opened the first Wal-Mart in Rogers, Arkansas. Little did Walton know that a few years later, his company would be transformed into Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Wal-Mart officially became a publicly traded company in 1970, selling their first stock at $16.50 per share (Our History, 2016). In today’s society, Wal-Mart serves many different uses across the globe. However, their consumers are typically Americans. It is the one-stop shop forRead MoreThe Financial Health Of Is Wal Mart1193 Words   |  5 Pagesis Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart Stores Incorporated, manages chains of merchandising retailers in the United States of America as well as external retailers in the United States of America. In a duration of five years, Sam Walton opened additional retailers and the number of retailers enlarged to twenty-four retailers through Arkansas. Sam Walton released the first Wal-Mart store in Arkansas, United States to the public, in 1962. The merger of Wal-Mart Stores Incorporate d was finished in 1969. Wal-Mart expandedRead MoreTarget Financial Analysis Paper913 Words   |  4 Pagesslightly declined in 2016 to 2017(Stock Analysis on Net, 2017a). Wal-Mart Store cash and cash equivalents declined from 2015 to 2016 and from 2016 to 2017 by 4%. Wal-Mart Stores receivables, net declined by 2.5% in 2015 to 2016 but then slightly increased to 3% in 2016 to 2017. Wal-Mart Stores inventories declined in 2015 to 2016 and from 2016 to 2017 by 1%. Wal-Mart Stores current assets declined by 1.5% in 2015 which carrier the 1.5% which carries over to 2016. Wal-Mart Stores property and equipmentRead MoreWalmart Finacial Analysis1250 Words   |  5 PagesInformation of Wal-Mart in 2005: * Sales Revenue: In 2005, Wal-Mart had $312.4 billion in sales, more than 6,200 facilities around the world—including 3,800 stores in the United States and 2,800 elsewhere, employing more than 1.6 million associates worldwide. * Other Innovations: Later in October Wal-Mart announced it would implement several environmental measures to increase energy efficiency. The primary goals included spending $500 million a year to increase fuel efficiency in Wal-Mart’sRead MoreOperational Planning for Wal-Mart1747 Words   |  7 PagesOperational Planning for Wal-Mart Introduction The first Wal-Mart was opened in Rogers, Arkansas, in 1962. By 1969 it was incorporated into Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., and in 1972 went public on the New York Stock Exchange. The company grew steadily across the United States, and by 1990 was the nations largest retailer. In 1991 and 1994, Wal-Mart moved into Mexico and Canada respectively. By 1997 it was incorporated into the Dow Jones Industrial Average. As of 2005, Wal-Mart has stores in the United

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Service Blueprint for Hospital Essay Example For Students

Service Blueprint for Hospital Essay Service Blueprint Service blueprinting is defined as a tool for simultaneously depicting the service process, the points of customer contact, and the evidence of the service from the customer’s point of view. The proposed blueprint allows for a quantitative description of critical service elements, such as time, logical sequences of actions and processes, also specifying both actions/events that happen in the time and place of the interaction (front office) and actions/events that are out of the line of visibility for the users, but are fundamental for the service. Chosen Service Hospital Industry Visited Service Business – Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College Healthcare/Hospital Sector Healthcare, which is a US$ 35 billion industry in India, is expected to reach over US$ 75 billion by 2012 and US$ 150 billion by 2017 according to Technopak Advisors in their report India Healthcare Trends 2008. The private sector accounts for nearly 80% of the healthcare market, while public expenditure accounts for 20%. India’s excellence in the field of modern medicine and its ancient methods of physical and spiritual wellbeing make it the most favorable destination for good health and peaceful living. India’s cost advantage and explosive growth of private hospitals, equipped with latest technology and skilled healthcare professionals has made it a preferred destination for medical tourism Hospital The sequential procedure for the service blueprint for JNMC hospital was obtained by interviewing Dr. Arpana Hanchinmani, Belgaum. Procedure followed at JNMC hospital 1. Patient goes to the main Reception desk and gets an OPD (Out Patient Department) card. 2. Depending on the complaint, patient is referred to the specialty department 3. Patient meets the receptionist of the specialty department and specialty department OPD is made 4. Patient is sent to a Consulting room 5. (In a non teaching Hospital) patient is sent to a consultant/(In a teaching Hospital)Intern or Post Graduate attend to the patient 6. Complaints are noted down and patient is sent to Examination room 7. PG and consultant discuss on the complaints mentioned and probable examinations to be made is decided 8. Patients total body examination is done by specific priority to area of complaint and vital signs are also noted down. 9. PG and Doctor make a provisional diagnosis 10. Required investigations are prescribed 11. If patient is not willing to continue then his provisional diagnosis becomes his final diagnosis for the hospital 12. If the Patient agrees for the treatment then patient is directed to concerned laboratory 13. At Lab a staff collects the OPD card from patients and conducts the test mentioned. 14. The test results are directly sent to the Consultant 15. Final diagnosis is done and treatment is prescribed 16. Patient is given up a follow date(Usually 15 days, depending on the issue and asked to come on same day to meet the same consultant) 17. Patient comes back on the specified date and meets the consultant 18. Consultant again checks the patient and if any other tests then it is noted on the OPD. If patient has recovered then also it noted on the OPD.