Friday, February 21, 2020

Governmental Structure of Canada. Is the Canadian Prime Minister Too Research Paper

Governmental Structure of Canada. Is the Canadian Prime Minister Too Powerful - Research Paper Example Majority of the evidences sighted in various literary works point towards the fact that the Canadian prime minister has a lot of power and can influence the decisions of the government and the country of Canada. The fact that cannot be ignored is that the Canadian prime minister exercises a great deal of power especially when in the parliament his party enjoys the majority (Dickerson, Flanaganand O’Neill, 2009). There are obvious evidences of the Canadian prime minister not being too powerful but the majority facts are in the favor of him being powerful and dictating the rules and regulations governing the state resulting in the favor of prime-ministerial power. Governmental Structure of Canada Canada’s parliament is divided into three levels. The main governing body is the Queen of Elizabeth II and the Governor General (David Johnston currently) who acts on the behalf of the Queen to perform official functions as the Queen is not physically present in Canada. The secon d level is of the senate that is appointed on the prime minister’s recommendation and the third being the House of Commons consisting of the government members and the Opposition members. Queen Elizabeth II performs the ceremonial functions in Canada. All the political, executive and legislative powers are directed from the Queen .The Governor in General acts on behalf of Queen Elizabeth, he performs functions such as General elections declaration, closing and opening the Parliament and reads speeches from The Throne. The role of the Prime Minister who is the first amongst the parliament members and is the head of the government is to make and implement decisions pertaining to the policy of the government. He is designated to choose cabinet and its members for carrying out the various tasks of the country. No one person can handle all the tasks therefore cabinets are formed but the supreme authority is the prime minister himself. He can shuffle the cabinet members from one po rtfolio to another, can delete the cabinets and can add cabinets for whatever reason he thinks is right. This statement is strong evidence in favor of the Canadian President being a powerful governing body. The Cabinet and the Canadian prime minister speaks as one voice because conflicts amongst them can result in Cabinet members being demoted or dropped from the Parliament (Mallory, 1984). The legislature is a part of the government and has the duty of making the laws. It consists of the appointed as well as elected members, the Senate is appointed and the House of Commons is elected. Drawn from the House of Commons, the executive (the prime minister and the cabinet members) control the agenda in the House of Commons and they have the right to vote in order to turn the legislative that is proposed into practice (Malcolmson and Myers, 2009). Concluding the structure it could be said that there are three levels and the prime minister is the part of the second level and governs the th ird level that is the legislature. He is an important figure and works under the supervision of the Governor General who is acting figure in lieu of the Queen. Power in the Hands of the Canadian Prime Minister The Canadian Prime minister is the central figure in the Canadian politics and the law governing the state of Canada. He is behind all the progress that is currently under process

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

The impact of Chinese Communist Party leaders' legitimacy to rule on Essay

The impact of Chinese Communist Party leaders' legitimacy to rule on Chinese Security and foreign policy decision making - Essay Example During his regime, the initiatives he undertook include land reform, the collectivization of agriculture, and the spread of medical services; this leader of the revolution remained alert to what he saw to be new forms of oppression and sensitive to the interests of the oppressed in the era that the country had major reforms. In 1958 he advocated a self-reliant Great Leap Forward campaign in rural development and the failure of the Leap led Mao to turn many responsibilities over to other leaders as well as to withdraw from active decision making and make it include majority opinions. During the early 1960s, Mao continued his restless challenge of what he perceived as new forms of domination where in foreign policy he led China's divorce from the Soviet Union. Domestically, he became increasingly wary of his subordinates' approach to development, fearing that it was fostering deep social and political inequalities; when Liu, Deng, and others seemed to be ignoring his call to remember c lass struggles Mao in 1966 initiated the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, exploiting discontent among some students and others. The Cultural Revolution was successful in eliminating many who opposed his policies but led to serious disorder, forcing Mao to call in the military to restore order in the late 1960s, the result of which was not favorable to the country at large. For decades, Zhou Enlai (1898-1976) was one of the most prominent and respected leader of the communist movement who reached out to otherwise hostile political forces; he played an important role in securing Chiang Kaishek's release during the Xian (Sian) Incident of December 1936 and he headed the CCP liaison team to oppose Japanese imperialism and similarly, Zhou represented the CCP in negotiations with the Nationalists during the mediation effort of U.S. General George Marshall. The history of the country talks of another of the first generation Chinese Communist Party leaders Deng Xiaoping, who held prom inent positions in the government in the 1950s and 1960s, but was eliminated from office, imprisoned during the years of the Cultural Revolution, 1966-76 and his family persecuted. His goal in 1976 was to set China back on the course of economic development that had been badly interrupted during the final years of Mao's leadership as his rallying cry became the Four Modernization articulated by Zhou Enlai in 1975, which entailed the development of industry, agriculture, defense as well as science and technology. Chinese Foreign Policies in the Global Order China has placed particular emphasis on the development of good-neighborly relations and partnership with border countries in order to prevent external threats from exacerbating internal frictions and as well has emphasized non-military aspects of its comprehensive national power. It has developed approaches such as setting aside areas of disagreement with neighboring states, focusing on confidence-building measures to promote tie s; and engaging in economic integration and multilateral cooperation to address shared concerns, (Bergsten,